How to Brush Your Teeth?
Regular, thorough brushing is a very important step in preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Brushing removes the bacteria that promote tooth decay and the plaque that can cause gum disease.
Ideally, you should brush after every meal, because the bacterial attack on teeth begins minutes after eating. At the very least, brush once a day and always before you go to bed. Brushing your teeth isn't complicated, but there is a right and a wrong way. We do it every day without thinking too much, but there are some important points to remember when brushing your teeth
Who needs orthodontic treatment?
  • Children as well as adults, are choosing to have orthodontic treatment for several reasons:
    • Malocclusion
    • Tooth Malalignment
    • Unhappy with appearance of teeth
  • During the preteen and teenage years, the jaws are growing and maturing; therefore it is easier to shift teeth at this stage rather than later on in adulthood.
  • More adults are choosing to have orthodontic treatment in order to improve the appearance of their teeth. Since their jaws are no longer growing. Treatment may take a little longer.
What do the braces do to the teeth?
Teeth can slowly be moved and shifted into proper position by applying pressure in certain directions.
  • Bands, Wires and elastics are placed on the teeth to move them in the right direction. This takes place slowly and carefully over an extended period of time.
  • Shifting teeth back into a functional position can take months to years, but eventually you will have a new and improved mouth and a longer lasting smile
  • Retainers are often used after the braces, to hold the teeth in their new position until they are stable.
  • It is important to wear the braces or an appliance for however long the dentist suggests. If you quit at any point during the treatment, the teeth can shift back into their old position.
What is root canal treatment?
Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, is a dental procedure in which the diseased or damaged pulp (core) of a tooth is removed and the inside areas (the pulp chamber and root canals) are filled and sealed.
Why do I need it?
The pulp, or soft inner tissue of your tooth, is normally surrounded and protected by a layer of dentin. Above the gumline, a layer of enamel protects the dentin; below the gumline, the dentin is covered by cementum. When a deep cavity, decay or crack destroys these protective layers, the pulp is exposed to the bacteria in your mouth. This can result in inflammation, infection and, eventually, necrosis (pulp death). A severe blow to the tooth can also damage the pulp. Irritants may then escape from the end of the root and cause a diseased area (apical lesion) in the bone. Pus accumulates at the ends of the roots, forming a painful abscess (Pus filled cavity usually seen in this condition in side the mouth), which can damage the bone supporting the teeth. Such an infection may produce pain that is severe, constant, or throbbing, as well as prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold, swelling and tenderness in the surrounding gums, facial swelling, and discoloration of the tooth. However, in some cases, the pulp may die so gradually that there is little noticeable pain.
Root canal treatment removes the damaged pulp and irritants. This allows the bone surrounding the root end to repair and heal.
Gum Disease?

Did you know?

Gum disease is a common dental problem that may result in tooth loss. Gingivitis and Periodontitis are the most common types of adult gum disease.
Healthy teeth and gums are maintained by daily plaque removal from all surfaces of the tooth (through tooth brushing and interdental cleaning)
The following features characterize healthy gums:
  • Pink or coral pink colour, (normal variations in colour depend on race and complexion)
  • Firm, resilient tissues
  • 'Orange-peel' texture (known as stippling)
  • Shape that follows the contour of the teeth and forms a scalloped edge
  • No areas of redness, swelling or inflammation
  • No bleeding during daily plaque removal
Dental Implants?
The modern method of replacing missing teeth. Research shows that 85% of people who wear full or partial dentures experience some related discomfort and difficulty. Dental implants can eliminate those problems, restore self-confidence and improve the quality of life. From a single missing tooth to an entire set of teeth, dental implants can provide a permanent alternative to problem dentures, and help prevent the premature loss of remaining teeth. Dental implants can last a lifetime and are an excellent investment in oral health.

Q: What are dental implants?

A: Dental implants are made of biocompatible materials that become directly attached to your jawbone. In dental terms, this is called “osseointegration.” Once anchored in place, your implants can be used to replace a missing tooth, support an entire set of teeth or retain an overdenture. The result is a natural type of tooth replacement that can restore the biting and chewing ability you once enjoyed, improve your appearance and renew your self-confidence.

Q: What procedures are used to insert dental implants?

A: Placement of dental implants is a minor surgical procedure performed in one or two office visits. If you have one-stage implants, their metal tops will extend through the gums while your tissues heal, and you will not need a second surgery. If you have two-stage implants, they will be placed under the gums while the bone heals. You will need a second, simple surgery to uncover them and attach a post to support your replacement teeth. Your dentist’s decision to do a one- or two-stage surgical procedure depends on a number of clinical factors, such as the amount of available bone and location of the implants. After the implants are placed, the bone attaches to them and permanently anchors them within your jaw. In the meantime, your dentist may adjust your full denture or partial prosthesis for temporary use.