About Us
Wisdom Dental care since its inception in 2006 has been at the fore front of Dental health care, committed to providing world-class dental treatment at affordable rates.
the clinic aims at offering different specialities of dentistry like Endodontics,Orthodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Restorative dentistry and Cosmetic dentistry and Oral Surgical Procedures all under one roof.
Dr. G. Sivakumar B.D.S.,MFDS(UK) & Dr. S. Sumathy B.D.S.,
Dr .Sivakumar completed his BDS degree from Vinayaga Mission Dental College Salem in the year 2002. Then he did MFDS degree in UK. During that Period he had license to operate honorary contract in the world famous Queen Victoria hospital for two year. He is specialised in Oral & maxillofacial surgery & Periodontal surgery
Also he had undergone diploma courses in Conservative dentistry conducted by Dr.P.D.JOSHI
Orthodontics' conducted by Dr.BENOY AMBOOKAN
He always believes in educating patients on good oral hygiene and giving a complete treatment plan to patients as understanding the procedures is more important.
His wife Dr.Sumathy got her BDS degree from Meenakshi Ammal dental college, Chennai in the year 2003. She is specialised in Conservative and cosmetic dentistry. she has keen interest in smile designing
Dr.Sivakumar & Dr. Sumathy both attends dental conference, hands on Courses and dental expo's to keep them Updated about the latest techniques and material in dentistry
wisdom dental care was started in the year 2006 and has been treating patients for a decade